December 28 - Furry and Bright Festivities
We’re ending this year with Furry and Bright Festivities! Join us on December 28th from 4pm to 7pm for an end of year howliday celebration including a dog ugly sweater contest, photo op, and more.
The winner of the ugly dog sweater contest will receive a prize so be sure to bring your pup dressed up!

The ugly dog sweater contest will be judged via dog with the most likes over in our Facebook page. Cast your vote by liking your favorite sweater on the 29th!

Did you know? Dogs are welcome in our store!
Event RSVP: https://www.facebook.com/share/15xjoGnDit/
Note: All dogs must be on a leash and well-behaved. Hiking Dog Co. is not responsible for any injury or accident to any visitors or their dogs. All dogs must be under the control of their humans at all times. Misbehaving and/or unsafe dogs will be asked to leave. Entering our store is your agreement to this.