Here’s your clue:
Where leashes meet their sturdy match, amidst the backpacks and a camping patch. 'Neath the shelves of travel water bowls, your hunt progresses, fulfilling goals.
Here’s another Super Dog story!
All about Hachikō and his undying loyalty:
Hachikō was adopted by Hidesaburo Ueno, a professor at the Tokyo Imperial University. Hachikō would greet him at the end of every day at Shiboya station. Sadly Ueno passed away from cerebral hemorrhage in 1925. Yet Hachikō continued to wait for Ueno for the next nine years, nine months and fifteen days, hoping for his guardian’s return. His undying loyalty makes Hachiko’s story one of the most famous dog stories of all time.
More about Hachikō: